What a beautiful way to bless her soul day today!
“Dear Beautiful, God KNOWS your heart.” This beautiful promise was inspired by Ruth 3:18. “Then she said, ‘Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.’” Use this tote when going to the grocery market, when picking up the little ones from daycare, or when going to the salon to braid your hair.
Which gal will you bless with lovely Dear Beautiful God Knows Tote?
That gal who needs to be reminded that she is not forgotten! That prayer partner who is always a prayer call away! Your mama who loves you crazy! Your Dear Beautiful God Knows Tote is perfect for all desiring to sow His seed of hope in someone’s heart! All who read this beautiful message will be blessed: What a way to share Adonai’s unfailing love – without saying a word. It will be your favorite ministry bag! And remember friend, carry it with a smile! 😊